Hola Familia y Amigos (:
This week I wanted to start with a quote I found from Elder Ballard. ''It is impossible to fail when you do your best when you are on the Lord's errand.'' I love this! If we always put our heart into our callings and when doing the Lord's will, it is impossible to fail. Maybe we won't have success in our own eyes, but as long as we do our part, we can be confident that the Lord completed His part as well. Success in His eyes is a lot grander than it is in ours.
Well, we had a really full and busy week. On Monday I went on divisions with Hna. Condori (Hna Rasband's comp in the other half of Paraná) so I got to visit Sebastian and Elin and Evelyn again! (: They are doing really well. Evelyn told us she is thinking a lot about serving the mission! She is the only member in her family, but it will really help them all and she'll make the best decision of her life! (;
In our zone meeting on Wednesday, I had to give my farewell testimony! ): I just talked a lot about the process of a mission. You can't expect to know what to do in the beginning, but as you grow and fall and grow and fall, you notice that the whole time, you just keep growing. It's hard to explain in english haha, but hopefully you get the idea. I just feel that my whole mission has been a progressing process and I recently read a talk that counsels returned missionaries to not discontinue this progression.
We got another new companion this week!! Her name is Hermana Fairbanks from Washington. She just started the mission and so we are training her. It's a little crazy. We didn't have time before and now we are adding another extra hour of companionship study and a whole hour of language study. But we are figuring things out. She is really great and understands spanish pretty well already. If only I could have understood spanish in the beginning (;
News on our investigators:
We finally found a friend of Brenda's, Cynthia. We taught her about 2 months ago and finally saw her again! She has been reading the Book of Mormon every night!!!! No one ever does that! We taught her the Restoration and invited her to be baptized! She accepted a date for Nov. 15th so we are trying to work with her so that she is prepared. We are also teaching Juan, Juan, and Juan, and Eva hahaha. Juan padre is the one who accepted a baptismal date a few weeks ago, but now doesn’t want to be baptized. But we are also teaching Juan hijo who is less active and the other Juan hijo who is with Eva. Juan and Eva accepted baptismal dates too, but they have to get married first. But they are really receptive and have strong desires to change! We just contacted a lot and are trying to find new people and invite everyone to be baptized. If they don't show interest, then we know they are not prepared for baptism right now. But so far we have a few with great potential and are going to teach them this week. When we introduce the Book of Mormon we try to make it really interesting and catch their attention. President Zanni taught us this: Ask them if they know the Bible and the prophets like Adam, Noah, Abraham, etc. If they say yes, then we ask them ''Have you ever heard of Captain Moroni?'' They will say no obviously and then we continue, ''No!? He was a captain of a strong army here in the Americas! He led a group of people and fought for their rights and liberties...'' It's really fun and we do it with Alma, Ammon, Nephi, etc. Super fun and the people then are more interested!
For divisions this week I went to La Paz. It's beautiful! It's really green and a tourist city. It reminded me a little of Jamaica. Right on the river. But this whole week has been soooooo hot and humid. I can't even sleep well during the nights. But that's okay, there are people to meet and share the gospel with (:
The whole mission right now is focusing on increasing our faith. Miracles have not ceased, baptisms have not ceased, and it is all according to our faith that the Lord performs miracles and baptisms. I know that we are going to be seeing a lot of success in the entire mission. Just like the quote above says, when we work our hardest, nothing is impossible. I hope you all have a really great week and can focus on doing the Lord's will. Do your best, and you will be blessed (rhyme) (: Love you all!!!!!
Con amor,
Hermana Moberly
17 Months! |
Parana |
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Parana Sunset |
Sunburn |
Yummy Pionono |