Hmm...this week flew by, like usual. And I was barely even in my area, so I don't have very many stories to tell you all... but here it goes!
Mon: We were in Rafaela (40 mins away) with our zone for a special p'day and watched ''Rise of the Guardians''...amazing! But it was in Spanish so it's probably even funnier in English. We slept in Rafaela with the sisters there, but on the floor. We had to wake up early Tuesday to go to Paraná, so the whole night I barely slept worried that our alarm wasn't going to go off like last time...
Tues: We were in Paraná for the morning, slept the whole way there, had a great meeting with all the other leaders and new missionaries, then spent some time in Santa Fe waiting for our bus to leave, so our zone went and walked around the mall. We found LOS ANGELES written on the wall, so obviously, we had to stop and take a picture (: LA BABYYY. We got home at 9:15, so didn't do anything that day.
Wed: We saw Jorgelina and Toto and had an awesome lesson with them. I asked her how her smoking was doing, and she said she was still doing it, so Hna. Sanders told her to give her her cigarettes haha. She actually gave them to us and we promised her that if she came to church on Sunday, she wouldn't feel the desire to smoke anymore! It was a really powerful lesson.
Thurs: We saw Jorgelina and Toto again and taught them about covenants, and they totally understood the importance of them and how they are essential to living in God's kingdom again. We also visited with a member, Hna. Sara and she fed us really yummy pizza! (: Her son is a returned missionary and is in-active, so we are going to try and become friends with him!
Fri: We went to Rafaela again for interviews with Pres. Giuliani and that was really awesome. On the way it takes about 20 mins to walk from the terminal, or 3 minutes in a taxi, so we thought...''Hmm, chocolate shake or taxi?'' Obviously we chose the chocolate shake and decided to walk to the church building! But President asked me a lot of questions about the work here in Sunchales, and all I could tell him was that I am praying for a lot of strength and guidance so that we can find people who actually want to listen to us. That night we had another lesson with Jorgelina and Toto about diligence and then invited them to be baptized and they accepted!!! (: They are preparing for 31 May, so keep them in your prayers por favor (:
Sat: It rained a ton this day, and we contacted a lot of great people. One lady let us in because she felt bad we were outside. We began teaching the Restoration and half way through she asked us if we were Catholics, we said no, and then we finished the lesson awkwardly, and when we asked if we could come back she said we kept working haha. Everyone thinks we are Catholic nuns... but we are not (:
Dom: We had church and 16 PEOPLE CAME!! (: Jorgelina and Toto were there too and they loved it! Then I got to skype home and it was the perfect day! Happy Mother's day to everyone!
So the week went pretty well, I'm happy with what we could do! No funny stories, but just know that me and Hna. Sanders have so much fun and she is one of the craziest, funniest, and best companions I've had so far! Love you all so much!! Have a great week<3<3
Hermana Moberly
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